MCRC Governance

Inside the OCRB Lecture Theatre

As a unique cancer research partnership, the Manchester Cancer Research Centre works collaboratively with our partner organisations in order to develop a synergistic and collaborative research strategy. The MCRC chairs a series of committees with representation from our partners or other institutes, centres, and organisations within the Manchester Cancer Research Nexus.


The MCRC is a federated organisation having established a memorandum of understanding with our founding partners, The University of Manchester, Cancer Research UK and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, in 2006.

Research positions and funding remain held within the relevant university faculties and divisions as well as the NHS trusts.

In order to ensure the consistent and coordinated direction of research activities that will have the biggest impact to patients, key stakeholders from our partner organisations are involved in the governance of the MCRC and strategic decision making. A clear structure has been developed that supports and encourages the communication between partner organisations to enable the development of strategy and direction that is compatible with individual ambitions.


MCRC Research Committee


The MCRC Research Committee, chaired by Professor Robert Bristow, was created to ensure consistency and synergy in the research activities of the organisations within Manchester. The committee meets every month and involves representatives from the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, The University of Manchester, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, and Cancer Research UK.

MCRC/ CRUK Manchester Centre Education Committee


The MCRC Education Committee oversees the management and allocation of various studentships run through the MCRC. These include the annual cohorts of CRUK-funded Clinical Research Training Fellowships and Non-Clinical Studentships, as well as other cohorts including candidates within our ACED and RadNet programmes. The committee is also involved in the onboarding of additional cohorts including Nursing and Allied Health Professionals PhDs. The committee ensures that the highest quality students are matched to projects of the very highest scientific quality, consistent with MCRC strategic objectives.

MCRC/ CRUK Manchester Centre International Advisory Board


The MCRC and CRUK Manchester Centre International Advisory Board (IAB) meet annually to assess and advise on the scientific direction, current work, and future ambitions of the MCRC and the CRUK Manchester Centre. The IAB is chaired by Professor David Jaffray, other members of the IAB are listed below, with links to their biographies for further information.

Our Partners

The MCRC is a collaborative partnership founded in 2006 by The University of Manchester, Cancer Research UK and the Christie NHS Foundation Trust.

Our Values

Our values are the guiding principles that define the way we work each day. They are at the core of our research activities and act as the bedrock of the MCRC upon which our Vision and Mission have been forged.


Our training and development schemes offers you the opportunity to grow your skills and become a future cancer leader.

Our Impact

At the MCRC, we’re committed to delivering impactful research that influences the scientific and clinical delivery of cancer research.


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