Contact the MCRC Biobank

Laptop and notepad on a desk

If you have any enquiries about accessing the MCRC Biobank, please contact the team using the email address:

The MCRC Biobank postal address is

Manchester Cancer Research Centre Biobank

Department 4, 1st Floor
The Christie
Wilmslow Road
M20 4BX

Tel: +44 (0) 161 918 2110

About the MCRC Biobank

Established in 2008, the MCRC Biobank has transformed the way biological samples are collected and supplied for ground-breaking cancer research projects within the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and beyond.

Accessing the MCRC Biobank

The MCRC Biobank is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority and has been ethically approved as a research tissue bank by the South Manchester Research Ethics Committee.

Information for Patients

Find out more about the sample biobanking process.

Human Tissue Governance

In addition to collecting samples for research, the MCRC Biobank also houses the Human Tissue Governance Team who look after all the regulatory compliance for use of human tissue in research.